Feeling out of sync with your work?

This self-paced digital playbook gives everything you need to consciously decide if going on an extended break from work is the right move for you

Carve out time and space to make this Big Life Decision properly

Transform any fear-driven indecision into a clear way forward

Unlock what your head and your heart have to say

Take people around you on your journey

This playbook will give you


when you might be stuck in chaotic thought loops, wondering what to do and whether you've missed anything important in your thinking


to engage with the decision-making process in a simple, objective and constructive way


to help manage your biggest fears constructively and with compassion, and to unlock new perspectives on the problem you're facing

What's included


Welcome—I'll introduce you to how the playbook works, and share my sabbatical story. You'll also meet the panel of sabbatical-takers who will accompany you throughout 'Thinking of a Sabbatical'.


Intro to sabbaticals—I'll demystify sabbaticals, and introduce you to four sabbatical archetypes to help you sketch out your own. Paul Millerd, the author of The Pathless Path, will share thoughts on the value you get from taking a break from work. You'll also hear some sabbatical stories from famous people.


Navigating your fears—We'll dive deeper into the classic fears people have when they're thinking of whether they should go on sabbatical e.g. structuring open time, spending/not earning money, potentially damaging your career etc. I'll make sure you don't miss out on anything important.


Visualising the future—You'll visualise what what you want to get if you went on sabbatical, what would happen if you recommitted to your current path, and if it's worth considering any alternative options. This is the moment where you let your imagination run free!


Making the decision—The moment of truth. We'll look at what the decision-making process looks like, and the moment where the decision 'clicks' inside of you. Michael Ashcroft, a teacher of the Alexander Technique, will share thoughts on how to navigate change when it feels wrong.


Preparing before you go—You'll get tips to help you prepare for your sabbatical so you don't feel like you're jumping off a cliff. We'll talk about managing your psychology as you prepare for take-off, about setting intentions rather than business-like goals, and about planning, among other things.


Extra wisdom and resources—The panel of sabbatical-takers will share some final words with you. You'll also have access to a mighty list of resources that you can dive into, as well as contacts for some of the panel and guest speakers.

Your guide


  • 15 years in corporate and consulting; self-employed since Feb. 2024
  • Took a 12-month sabbatical in 2022 to rest, reconnect with my curiosity, and explore
  • Have spoken to 60+ people about sabbaticals and helped 30+ decide whether to take the leap
  • Creator of On Sabbatical, a playbook to help make your sabbatical transformational

A delightful panel of sabbatical-takers


Entrepreneur, currently on sabbatical


Energy strategy professional, went on sabbatical in 2021


Software Engineering Manager, went on sabbatical in 2023


Software developer, currently on sabbatical


Ex-corporate lawyer turned somatic coach, currently on sabbatical

And a couple of expert guest speakers


Paul Millerd left his consulting job at McKinsey in 2016 after a decade-long career. Since then he's been self-employed as a podcaster, a creator and a writer. He's written a huge amount about the evolution of our relationship to work and is the author of The Pathless Path, which has helped more than 50,000 people re-imagine a better story for work and life. In 'Thinking of a sabbatical' he shares his thoughts on the value of taking a career break.

Michael—coming soon

Michael Ashcroft is a writer and a coach. He's also a teacher of the Alexander Technique, which is an embodied, real-world mindfulness practice that can help you notice, expand and play within the space between stimulus and response—and frees you from patterns that keep you stuck. In 'Thinking of a sabbatical' he shares his thoughts on how to get out of your own way, when making a big life decision like this one.

Here's what real people say about my work

When you join 'Thinking of a Sabbatical' you're signing up for an experience that's helped dozens of people before you.

Cécile’s thinking around sabbaticals helped me immensely last year as I was sorting out whether to take a formal sabbatical. Her actionable questions and approach made the decision much clearer and helped me get unstuck from lots of “should I, shouldn’t I” avenues of thinking.

Tanner Gesek

Talking to Cécile really helped demystify what taking a sabbatical would mean and what it could do for me. Though life ended up getting in the way this time, I'm still interested in taking one in future—and have a much clearer idea what it would entail!

Adam Englebright

Hearing Cécile share her experience on sabbatical on a podcast made me realise that this is something I could do too. But it’s only once I spoke with her directly that I was able to fully give myself permission to take a year off. I'm very grateful for her guidance and constructive nudges!

Bruno Selun

Speaking with Cécile was really important for me to "see to believe". Here was someone who had built a really successful corporate career, took a year long sabbatical, and it had a significant positive impact on her life. Cécile also challenged my thinking on some of the blocks I was facing.

Brenna Mulvaney

Your advice during our call was instrumental in helping me make the decision to take my sabbatical. Thank you for your invaluable guidance, Cécile. I'm truly grateful!

Sriram Thiagarajan

Talking to Cécile helped me clarify my thoughts about taking a sabbatical. Her insightful suggestions and her personal experience gave me the confidence to take the leap.

Johnny Atler

Choose between two options


If you want structure, insights and companionship to help you make a decision that feels right for you

You get access to the playbook:

Thinking of a Sabbatical

Seven chapters including an introduction to sabbaticals, navigating your fears, visualising the future, making the decision, and preparing before you go

Short invitations to reflect in way that engages both your brain and your heart, using renowned framework

Expert advice from our guest speakers and constructive wisdom from a panel of sabbatical-takers

Useful resources (e.g. books, podcasts) and access to any upgrades I make to the playbook in the future


If you feel stuck and you want a constructive sounding board to help you make a decision

You get all the benefits of the Essential tier, plus

A sparring partner

We'll have two hour-long sessions in which we will explore your options and address any indecision points

We will meet for our first session once you've gone through the playbook; the second session will happen maximum two months after that

It will feel like a mix of coaching and mentoring

Frequently Asked Questions

Here's a video that introduces the playbook in detail

More testimonials...

Talking with Cécile when I was considering a career transition helped resolve many of my uncertainties. Realising I could go on a sabbatical not just to 'take a break' but to 'find work which aligns more closely to what matters to me' was super helpful. I am about to do just that, and am now excited to be moving on to the next phase I’ve shaped for myself!

Bhragan Paramanantham

We’ve all met people who seem like they were simply born to do what they do. Cécile has a remarkable gift for helping others get in touch with themselves and enabling them to design a life that suits their authentic self. She is one of the most exceptional listeners I have ever met, and her thought-provoking questions and thoughtful encouragement helped me decide to go on a sabbatical during which I shaped an exciting new life phase for myself.

Duncan Piper

After months of lonely and anxious back and forth about when and how I’d take a sabbatical, my session with Cécile felt super positive, thought-provoking and grounding. We explored a few alternative paths I hadn’t thought of, which in turn inspired me to better define my intentions for leaving my role. A few weeks later I was able to select a path that feels deeply right to me.

Paige Flanagan

I scheduled a chat with Cécile after hearing her on a podcast. I had a great time and she provided wonderful clarity for me on my sabbatical journey. If you're thinking of a sabbatical, I highly recommend Cécile.

Bill Bergeman